
Saturday, November 13, 2004


you've always had a rebellious streak in you.
you're so stubborn and proud, you can't take correction.
i didn't spend so much money raising just to have you behave this way.

so now i am just another investment. a commodity.
thanks. at least now i know where i stand.

you're stronger than this, come on.
you don't have to do this...

i'm sick and tired of being strong! what's so wrong about being weak?
yes, i have to do this. i don't see any other way.

hey, talk to me. wake up.
i'm here, we're all here.
we love you.

no you don't!!! that's a lie!!!
you expect me to believe you while i'm lying here half-conscious?
i just want to sleep. let me sleep.

what's wrong with you?
when something bad comes your way you just try to kill yourself.
do you know how that looks to other people?
you know how badly that reflects on me?

if you weren't such a lousy parent, i wouldn't be so screwed up.
and thanks, it's nice to know your first concern is your reputation.

you say i'm a rebel. maybe i am.
but you don't realize that you're a tyrant.

all i wanted was my own life.
and you wouldn't even let me take it.


Blogger jactinglim said...

Awwwwww hugs! I've felt that way just recently. But I know they love me. And I love them. And I also know that the important thing is I know I want to achieve and be the best in my life not just for my sake, but also for all the people I love.

Because I know if I give in and blindly obey whatever they want, it is ME who will suffer, and indirectly, also them.

So I fight to get that, even if I have to fight the very people I am fighting it for.

Confusing no? ;)

Tuesday, November 23, 2004 12:02:00 am  

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