
Wednesday, December 15, 2004

hormonal imbalance

i've been pigging out, breaking out, and stressing out (yes, in that exact order) the past couple of days. it means only one thing. it's almost that time of the month. ugh.

strange. i've only started exhibiting all these symptoms within the past year. prior to this, the only tell-tale sign would be skin problems (i get cystic acne) - and that's not even a consistent signal. (i've only had short spells of clear skin throughout my post-pubescent life.) now everytime i'm about to get my period, i get food cravings, oily skin, and REALLY touchy. maybe my friend's magic 25 theory IS true. women's bodies go through radical changes once they hit the quarter-century mark. the mood swings i can explain with another reason, but the bingeing totally escapes me. i've always been an oinker, but these days i've noticed that my appetite goes up a notch a week before my monthly. or maybe it's always been that way, and i've just been more observant about pms these past few months. whatever the reason, my hormonal imbalances are now more obvious to me than ever. oh well. stranger things have happened.


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