
Monday, August 15, 2005

28 days

yep, 28 days to go. visa interview tomorrow. and i'm still not halfway through my list of things to do before i leave.

so, back to my life on hand.

saw "swan lake" last saturday. the ballet itself was wonderful, the circumstances surrounding it not exactly pleasant. let's just say the family was being a pain in the arse. we had one ticket left over, which we sold at the venue to a tall, admittedly good-looking, and undeniably gay man. drats. as for the show, it ran for two and a half hours, and the venue was packed. half of the audience were less than half my age. i cannot believe it, either. what were these parents THINKING?!?! and i doubt half of the adults present completely appreciated the ballet itself on more than one level. (snob speak, sorry.) and, ballet being a predominantly female activity, i can't help but notice one thing... the men in the show were pretty useless. hahaha. (what a statement. and from a ballet, of all things.) the lead ballerina was superb. absolutely. every other dancer onstage just paled in comparison. not to say they weren't good, but this girl was definitely a cut above the rest.

the rest of my weekend involved getting blisters on my feet for walking a significant distance in heels. and a recurring foot sprain due to athletic activity. somebody tell this idiot to lay off the injury-prone activities for the duration of her stay on this island.

then there is the harebrained idea concocted during the last remaining hours of the weekend. which involves a surfboard and a three-hour drive next saturday. and off we go. (pending parental consent.)


Blogger DumbGenius said...

lay off the injury-prone activities for the duration of YOUR stay on this island.

arse, hehe..

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 6:15:00 am  
Blogger RT said...

have fun surfing! cross your fingers i push thru with my swimming lessons september, hehe.
and re: my blog post i did lay a foundation.. wasn't texting him doing my part? So I'll let it go. So okay, speed dating this december it is! ;)

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 9:30:00 am  

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