
Monday, July 25, 2005

on holiday!!!

nothing like a special non-working holiday to cut down your remaining work days to four. yes. FOUR. i will be free from the shackles of the meddlesome client and temperamental boss in four calendar (and working!) days. days like these, i can sincerely say that life is sweet.

i should be working on my personal project now, actually. need to get a jump start so i won't get overwhelmed with work next month. but i'm enjoying my free day, and my body is too sore to exert so much effort today. (overdid the workout at the gym, which is to say, i haven't been working out regularly but still decided not to downgrade my program.) besides, i have pent-up aggressions to let out today.

right. so about those negative feelings. i found out SOMEBODY is really a let-down. unconfirmed reports have led me to think that he has something going on with some other dame. this, after he just asked me out last week. it does not matter that i turned him down. (even before i found out about the so-called other, mind you.) it does not matter that, logically, he is not good enough for me. it does not matter that i am not supposed to be interested. my ego was bruised. oh yes. i was being played by a player. i hate him, but more than that, i hate myself. for being such a ditz.

this is definitely going to set me back a few years in the "learning to trust men" department. and i thought he was good stuff. i should have known better. captain obvious said it could be that he got tired of waiting - with me not giving enough positive signals and all. in my defense, i think i gave enough signals to encourage him to WORK HARDER. because, dammit, he really wasn't showing enough effort. any guy who doesn't seem to be that interested isn't really worth my time. because if he really wanted to get with me, he'd be more involved in my life. he'd call more often. he'd ask me out more regularly. he'd make sure that i'd be thinking of him 24/7 (or almost as frequent) by letting his presence be felt. and yes, i think he pretty much knew i was into him the first few months. because i, being the bimbo, often slip up and incriminate myself through either 1. my blog, or 2. sms. so there, it's not my fault.

moving on to other depressing thoughts... my cousin got married yesterday. and until last night, she was the oldest woman on our side of the family to be unmarried. and then i realized... i am now the SECOND OLDEST WOMAN on our side that is unmarried. HOLY SMOKES. i'm getting old. and not getting any closer to the wedding altar. oh, the pressure, the pressure. but as long as my brother is still single, i'm pretty safe. until i hit the big 3-0. which is *gasp* less than four years away. oh good grief. i still can't trust men, and now i'm working on a deadline. unofficial though it may be, it's still a deadline. what the heck. they say smart people are more likely to get married later in life than the not-so-smart people. i guess we know WHICH category i fall under. hahaha.

on the up side, i was able to bog-hop across my favorite spots. and i was much entertained, thank you people! it feels good to know i am not the only weirdo on this side of the planet.

okay, back to (unofficial) business.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think you should not feel so pressured to get married just because we're all getting older.. and because society or our family says so. after all, i don't think we were all born in this world with the goal to get married... mmm.. maybe have kids (because it is a biological function)... but there is nothing dishonorable about being single, or being choosy with whom we want to spend our lives with, i think those people who ask just couldn't wait to share with you the agonies of being married to the wrong person, heheheh just kidding, but do check this out, im sure it will make you feel better...

Monday, July 25, 2005 11:48:00 am  
Blogger super inday said...

ok ok, it's MY ego, it's MY insanity, it's MY problem. and yeah, i'm responsible for global warming and the ozone hole, too.

why am i even dwelling on this??? i will be moving to a new country in six weeks. one where i'll have to learn new dating rules. hahaha!!! let the fun begin =D

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 4:11:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when learning something new.. dont forget to "unlearn" those kwacky quirky habbits picked up here in the metro! haha

Thursday, July 28, 2005 6:32:00 am  

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