
Tuesday, August 02, 2005


i am finally out of the clutches of the vile creature that is - WAS - my boss. not that i ever acknowledged him as such. just one month into that firm and i was professing to a friend / chatmate that "he's not my boss. he just signs my paycheck." talk about an attitude problem. but it has served me well. if i take anything the so-called boss said seriously, i'd probably have a coronary or some other stress-induced health problem by now.

so what does one do for six weeks before flying off to foggy london? i am now, as my dear friend captain obvious puts it, the only up-educated magna cum laude graduate full-time domestic helper. applause, applause. thank you, thank you.

on my less content days, i would have been griping and bitching about having to be everyone else's back-up maid, cook, and driver. (some days computer technician, and even electrician.) but these days, i'm quite ok with the idea of helping out. in fact, i enjoyed preparing everyone else's food for the past three meals. (don't tell my mom, though. she might get ideas.) maybe it's the fact that i'm leaving in six weeks. or that i have to cook and clean for myself once i'm in the british isles, anyway. or maybe i'm just plain happier now that i don't have to work for an uncivilised (british spelling!!! hahaha) slave driver of a supposed boss. (of course, he had cement his reputation of being sub-human in the last few hours of my employment. but that's another story.) or it could be that i just realized how blessed i am compared to 80% of the local population.

it feels good to be alive.


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