
Tuesday, October 12, 2004

happiness is...

a starbucks strawberrries and cream frapuccino.

I don't know when it was that I started relying on food and other inanimate objects to pick me up. I do know that people have been disappointing me a lot lately, and I can't count on them for most things. It's sad actually; usually I love people. They do crazy things that drive me up the wall, but that's what makes them beautifully human, and that’s why I love them. For all their imperfections and idiosyncracies, I still look forward to meeting them every day of my life. They make my existence so much more colorful. Crazy and borderline irksome, but interesting nonetheless.

I suppose I create certain expectations of people after I meet them. I never create expectations before; how I relate to people often depends on those first few encounters. And I suppose sometimes I don't form the proper opinions of people. I tend to give them too much credit. So in the end, I am disappointed. Stupid girl.

But with my starbucks frapuccino, I always seem to get what I expect. I guess in some ways, you can't go wrong with processed food.


Blogger RT said...

Amen to that.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 1:55:00 am  
Blogger Madridista Mac said...

After reading what you've written... all I can think about now is being in an air-conditioned room with a great film on the DVD player....
And of course! A Bag of Lay's BBQ and several cans of beer.... haaaaaaaayyyyyyy......

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 7:18:00 am  
Blogger raymond said...

strange, when i tried the starbucks strawberries and cream frapuccino, i was expecting something better than a strawberry milk shake, but all i tasted was... something like a strawberry milk shake. thus, while drinking the expensive caffeinated version of the refreshment i love, i thought of two possible conclusions: either nothing can compare to a true strawberry milk shake or i was wrong to expect too much from cups of slush.

Thursday, October 14, 2004 10:55:00 am  

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