
Friday, March 04, 2005


Pronunciation: i-'pi-f&-nE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -nies
Etymology: Middle English epiphanie, from Middle French, from Late Latin epiphania, from Late Greek, plural, probably alteration of Greek epiphaneia appearance, manifestation, from epiphainein to manifest, from epi- + phainein to show
1 capitalized : January 6 observed as a church festival in commemoration of the coming of the Magi as the first manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles or in the Eastern Church in commemoration of the baptism of Christ
2 : an appearance or manifestation especially of a divine being
3 a (1) : a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something (2) : an intuitive grasp of reality through something (as an event) usually simple and striking (3) : an illuminating discovery b : a revealing scene or moment
definition courtesy of merriam-webster online

while tossing and turning in bed in the wee hours of the last day of february, i suddenly realized my calling. in the midst of all the disjointed thoughts circling in my head, one idea surfaced and stood out.

i was born to be a writer.

okay, moment over.

yes, yes, it's not as earth-shattering as you would expect. duh. i write almost every single day. (except now i won't be blogging as often, because my office internet access has been cut. which merits another entry, but i'll get to that some other time.)

only a few people know that i have been struggling with a minor identity crisis the past few weeks. one day, out of the blue, i started asking myself if i was meant to pursue architecture for the rest of my life. modesty aside, i'm the type who could be good at anything. maybe not excellent or outstanding, but not too shabby either. and i've got proof. (not that these things are really accurate or reliable.) the point is, i can do anything for a living, and chances are i won't go hungry regardless of my career path. so doing what you're good at doesn't really help in determining what i'm supposed to do with my life.

flash forward to february 28, 1am.

if that moment were in a screenplay, it would show me tossing and turning in bed, with the following voice-overs.

"yours is the first article that i gave five thumbs-ups."
"what do you want to do?" "i'm thinking of taking up journalism."
"writers are born, not made." - lualhati bautista, dekada '70
"wow, you really are a writer."

intersperse voice-overs with scenes from my high school life, when i was a writer and editor in the school paper, and literary editor of our yearbook. and images of iq test results saying i have linguistic intelligence, or career orientation tests saying i should be a researcher, writer, or be in some other bookish profession.

maybe finishing an article for a magazine had something to do with it. or maybe it was just something waiting to happen. all i know is, for the first time since i've formed coherent thoughts, i finally know what i'm supposed to do. (okay, maybe this is the second time. the first epiphany happened last year, and that's also another story.)

maybe, amidst all of my dreams of changing the world, the answer just lies in one simple phrase.

the pen is mightier than the sword.


Blogger Madridista Mac said...

But does the pen have to be used to write words...?

stupid possibility: you can use it to stab someone.... :p

But seriously... dba???

Sunday, March 06, 2005 3:16:00 pm  

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