
Saturday, March 05, 2005

miss match

(yes, it's from alicia silverstone's latest series. so sue me.)

people seem to want to set me up these days. okay, realistically, it's just two people. but that's a whole lot more than the number of offers last year, which was zero. oh wait, i had one. so there has been a 100% increase. yahoo!

the matchmakers - one is a girl i met on my first surfing trip. the other one is a guy i used to work with.

the pitch - "that guy i was supposed to set you up with... it turns out he has a girlfriend! but he has a friend that he recommends. maybe you know him..." and "so how's your love life? non-existent? hm. well, are you open to being set up? okay, i'll see if my friend is ready. if he's ready for the likes of you."

the bachelors - i didn't get specifics, but based on my excellent powers of deduction, they're out of their twenties. as my friends put it... men over 30 = men thinking m-rr--g-. (it doesn't take a genius to fill in the blanks.) honestly, it never crossed my mind. all i thought was, okay, new person to meet, may or may not be nice. at least i get to know more people. talk about zero expectations.

the implications - my friends think i'm highly marketable. either that, or they think i have little chance of finding the right guy on my own, hence they are helping me out a bit. let's focus on being a viable commodity, shall we?

the results - nothing. no blind dates. people offer, but nothing happens. no dates have been set up. i don't know if that's a good thing, but i'll take what i'm given. and i'm gonna be happy about it.

i love being single. and very available.


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