
Sunday, March 13, 2005

what men want

some days i just don't get the Y-chromosome-bearing part of the human population.

take this guy. i've known him maybe two years or more. he's the brother of my friend. (careful now, no incriminating data...) he's cute, and yes, i like him. d-uh. aside from the fact that he's athletic (i'm a sucker for jocks, amazingly.) he's got a killer singing voice. (yes, i'm a sucker for singers, too.) PLUS... (drumroll, please...) he's taller than i am!!! is that great or what???

unfortunately, i can't read him at all. in fact, i've pretty much given up trying to figure him out. some days i'd think of him as just the brother of a friend. other days... well, other days he exerts some extra effort for me to notice him. those rare times we get to see each other, he'll ignore me the whole night. then he'll playfully punch my arm or tap my shoulder to say hi or goodbye, whichever is appropriate. then nothing again. aurgh!!! once, he was asked to perform (i.e. sing a love song) at this event. he came with some other girl. okay, that definitely sent one STRONG signal. but when he was siging onstage... i swear, most of the time he was looking at me. or at my general direction, anyway. and not at his so-called date, who was all the way across the other side of the room. is that IRRITATING or WHAT?!?!

then, just last week, our group met up. he sat beside me 'cause that was the only seat available. i almost forgot that i might be seeing him that night, so i didn't really give much thought to how i looked. but i DID decide to wear a nice skirt and strappy sandals. (okay, kikay alert. it is SO not me. yee.) so i was a bit glad that i looked at least more than half-decent. at some point he playfully kicked my foot under the table. and i pretended to get upset and tried to step on his foot with my three-inch heels. he got clean away, which, in my mind, is totally alright because it meant that he was keeping an eye on my foot, and the leg that is attached to it. (ha. i'm so glad my surfing tan has not totally faded.) then a while later he started playing with my hair. now i didn't grow up in a co-ed high school, but i KNOW that when a guy plays with you hair, that means something. exactly what, i don't know. you tell me.

i'm pretty good at reading into actions, and figuring out people's personalities. but with some men, i'm totally lost. and most of the time, those are the men i like. *sigh* i guess i'm also a sucker for mental torture.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yep ΓΌ playing with a girl's hair is a lot more often than not a sign that he's into you. its like being just a little bit touchy at the same time letting her know you think she looks nice/great.


Sunday, March 13, 2005 5:28:00 pm  
Blogger Abster said...

Haaaay...I can relate with the frustration. Some guys are either too "aggressive," too "confusing" or too "torpe" to do anything.

In one word: MALABO.

Some guys do show interest with touchy stuff, but then again, there are some guys who means nothing with draping an arm over a shoulder, or playing with hands (or hair), or flirting. A guy (who's deemed a flirt) says it comes naturally to him and he doesn't mean to confuse or to attract women, it's just the way he is--he says.

Ang hirap maging girl, kasi you can't do a lot of things that guys ASK. Hehehehe! I hope you'll find some clarity. Pray about it, who knows? God just might whack him in the head to wake him up. Hehehe!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2005 6:26:00 pm  
Blogger Madridista Mac said...

Hey hey hey.... Girls can be just as MALABO as guys... if not even more.

Bottomline... when it comes to matters of attraction, etc. both sexes can be just as malabo.

I suppose that's why it's such a big deal to find THAT person... coz it's DAMN hard to.

Monday, March 14, 2005 2:31:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey fong! funny you wrote about this. I just have issues of this myself lately. (I'll email you in a bit, hehe) But i tell you, guys could be touchy and all without meaning anything (i happen to be a magnet of these types of guys. waaahhhh!). But of course not all are like this. good luck! -- risha

Monday, March 14, 2005 5:47:00 am  

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