the week leading to and the week after the wedding were so hectic, i wasn't able to write about the experience. seven days ago my friend was still single. now she's married. it still hasn't sunk in completely.
here's what the past two weeks were like (with regards to the wedding).
day (-5) coordinated with my co-host over phone. (i was also drafted for reception MC, believe it or not.) got general outline for reception program.
day (-4) woke up at 5:30am to go to the gym. hey, i had to look good in that dress!!!
day (-3) dinner meeting with co-host. finished game mechanics and 40% of script. got home 10pm. went to bed 11pm.
day (-2) spoke with wedding planner, cleaned up program structure. went to bed 11pm.
day (-1) got game props ready, met with co-host to work more on script. went to hotel to meet up with rest of bridal entourage. worked on script some more. took pictures. worked on script again. had dinner. went to a karaoke place. (apparently, the groom is a big fan of karaoke. personally, i would have preferred ice cream and jazz at the hotel lobby. but i'm not the one getting married.) finished at 1am. went back to hotel to work on script - 65% done. slept 3am.
day 0 woke up 6am. worked on script again. breakfast (i love room service, can i just say???) and shower. finished script while rest of entourage was getting made up. got made up by 10am. took 30min nap. enter, wedding coordinator. changed into gown. enter photographer. mayhem in girls' hotel room. went to boys' room to chill. (stress levels not as high over there - nobody really cares about the groom, haha.) had take-out lunch with boys after a few photo ops. ran back to girls' room at command of photographer. hair got messed up on the way - urgh. got to "bridal suite" only to wait another 15mins for the photos. (i hate having to rush for nothing.) picture, picture, off to church. wedding ceremony, yadda yadda yadda... lit candle, and the rest of the time, just stayed in my seat. exited early to prepare confetti canons. only mine didn't go off. crud. walked around in reconstruction of amazon rainforest in mid-to-late afternoon heat. sticky sticky sticky. ick ick ick. photo sessions with newlyweds in gardens, pose, smile, walk walk walk. changed into slippers. reception hosting. scrapped 50% of script due to last-minute program reorganization. a first-time host's nightmare!!! (i am now thankful that my obsessive-compulsive partner made it a point to script everything, because i didn't have such a hard time ad-libbing with the change in program.) grabbed a few bites in between - just enough to keep me from fainting. miffed that i was not able to have dessert crepe!!! (food is still my greatest passion, thank you.) singles game, reception over. dead tired. but hung around 'til most of the crowd disappeared. then decided to join the boys (the groom's friends) for post-wedding ice cream. (hey, it was still early! and the ice cream parlor was just three blocks away from home. haha.) got home 11pm. showered, removed gunk from face and hair. slept past midnight.
day 1 went to work with only half my brain functioning. needless to say, did not get much done. haha. just started to realize that one of my closest friends is now married. whoa.
day 2 partial recovery from post-wedding trauma. happy afterglow started to settle in. my friend is married!!! was so happy.
day 3 realized that the couple would be leaving for their honeymoon the next day. again, happy moment. but a tinge of sadness crept in... they're going to be far away!!! and i don't know when i'll see them again... beginning to miss friend.
day 4 started getting all mushy and sentimental. wondered if (or when?) i'll get married. if i'll ever find the right guy and live happily ever after. *sigh*
that was the whole experience, in a nutshell. insert a few compliments on handling the program well. (thank you, thank you. now if that had gotten me a great date, it would have been worth the trouble - just kidding.) best man said i was a natural, and should consider it as an alternate career. i obliged by saying only if he'll be my agent. harhar. then there was this one guy who i don't know who complimented me twice after the reception. (yeah, i'm being typical girl and racking my brains out over two-line conversations - repeated two-line conversations, at that.)
from excited to stressed to ecstatic to sentimental - the entire production ran the whole gamut of emotions. it was just something i wouldn't have missed for the world. even if i were in london, i'd fly all the way back here just to be with my friend the weekend she got married. because, really, nothing can take the place of sharing in a good friend's joy.
now about that guy...